Neither increased body weight nor fat can cause the formation of a double chin. Patients who have a second chin but have good physical characteristics and are not overweight frequently come to see us. Even very thin people might develop extra volume under their chins, which is difficult to get rid of by exercise or diet. Clear facial and neck contours are restored after extra fatty tissue from the submandibular region is removed with chin liposuction in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah.

Essence of procedure: 

At the patient’s request, the procedure is carried out exclusively for aesthetic reasons. One benefit of the procedure is that it can eliminate fat cells from the chin region. Unlike traditional weight loss, the technique simultaneously decreases volume and stops them from growing back. Diets or exercise are not necessary for local fat loss, which results in a proportionate drop in other volumes, like the chest or hips.


In Dubai, the Chin reduction surgery cost in Dubai, UAE can vary from AED 7,999 to AED 9,999. The doctor’s credentials and experience, the clinic’s accreditations, the certified materials and instruments, and the cutting-edge technical equipment all affect the price. After the initial appointment, the doctor will calculate the true cost of the treatment.

Factors Affecting the Cost:

Technology Used: 

The doctor will choose the best approach following a comprehensive evaluation and comprehension of the intended outcomes. The intricacy of the software influences the cost, resulting in varying implementations and prices for each scenario.

Number of sessions: 

The cost of treatment increases with the number of sessions required to observe outcomes. Numerous therapies exist, and they all call for several sessions.


Expected outcomes differ from person to person and will depend on the individual’s existing hip structure and form in each instance. The treatment’s cost is determined by the anticipated outcome.


A person’s fee for services is determined by their training and experience in the industry. A specialist will be paid more for his services the more experience and training he has received.


Anesthesia is used for the majority of procedures, and the expense of anesthesia with an anesthetist significantly raises the total cost.